Younès Youssfi, PhD
Welcome to my page ! I am a Data Scientist in the Translational Research Team of Resilience Care, a digital solution dedicated to remote monitoring and personalized support for oncology patients, and an affiliated researcher in statistics at the Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST, ENSAE).
I hold a PhD in Statistics from CREST and Polytechnique Institute of Paris, supervised by Nicolas Chopin and Pr. Xavier Jouven.
My research focuses on developing statistical methods for analyzing large-scale healthcare data. I am particularly interested in time series analysis of electronic health records, real-world evidence in epidemiology, Bayesian methods and causal inference analysis.
Work experience
- Since May 2023: Data Scientist
- Resilience Care, Translational Research Team
- Real-world evidence studies based on Patient-Reported Outcomes.
- Developing innovative data science solutions in oncology to define a new approach to patient care and personalize the care pathway.
- Since September 2023: Affiliated Researcher
- Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST, ENSAE)
- Leading research projects at the intersection of mathematics and health.
- Member of the Graph4Health ANR Project, led by Philippe Choné
- 2019-2023: PhD candidate in statistics
- CREST, ENSAE & Paris Cardiovascular Research Center
- Exploring risk factors and prediction models for sudden cardiac death with machine learning.
- Large-scale data processing of the French National Healthcare Data System (SNDS).
Works in progress
Disparties of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management in French critical care units (with Dr. Lucie Fanet as part of the Graph4Health Project).
Prediction of causes of death following cardiac arrest in intensive care units (with Dr. Wulfran Bougouin, AfterROSC Research Network).
ODISSÉE Project: analysis of care pathways and management of status epilepticus based on the French National Healthcare Data System (with Pr. Stéphane Legriel, IctalGroup and Salima El Kolei).
- Youssfi, Y., and Chopin, N. Scalable Bayesian bi-level variable selection in generalized linear models. Foundations of Data Science (2024).
- Javaudin, F., Canon, V., Heidet, M., Bougouin, W., Youssfi, Y., et al. HIV status and lay bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation initiation for witnessed cardiac arrest. Resuscitation (2024).
- Binois, Y., Renaudier, M., Dumas, F., Youssfi, Y., et al. Factors associated with circulatory death after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a population-based cluster analysis. Ann Intensive Care (2023).
- Anys, C., Billon Mazzella, J. M., Karam, N., Pechmajou, L., Youssfi, Y., et al. Mort subite, en quête d’une explication. Annales de Cardiologie et d’Angéiologie (2021).
- Ph.D in Statistics, CREST, ENSAE & Paris Cardiovascular Research Center, 2019 - 2023
- M.Sc Data Science (with highest honors), National School for Statistics and Information Analysis, 2015 - 2019
- Bachelor in Economics, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, 2012 - 2014
- Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles ENS Cachan D2, Lycée Turgot, 2012 - 2015
Feel free to reach out to me at or connect with me on LinkedIn. I’d be happy to discuss potential collaborations and research opportunities.